Tuesday 8 December 2015

Unity/Maya Session - Making VFX

This lesson showed me how to use effects such as fire or water and apply them into games.
In order to make VFX I needed to understand what actually happens for the fire to actually look like its burning/moving.
To do so, an image(preferably a targa file), will be modified in Unity using it's tools.

In order to create the effect of moving water I have simply put two layer of the same texture on top of each other.

Making them move at a relatively slow speed creates the illusion of moving water.

The next useful tool that I've been taught was how to use the ShaderFX of Maya. This helped me combine to different texture images on the same plane by using the brush tool in order to get, for example, a mossy pavement texture as show below:
As seen, I have combined two different Texture Maps together which resulted into making one single material.

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