Monday 7 December 2015

TRIPLE A ASSET PRODUCTION: Headphones Pt.2 (Maya, Photoshop,Zbrush, xNormals)

The next step was to unwrap and UV only one half of the headphones in order to make the process less tedious and more practical and efficient.
The Low Poly has been unwrapped using automatic mapping in Maya, this helps setting up a good layout, followed up by stitching,sewing and cutting in the UV Editor to completed unwrapping and UVing.

I have also taken a UV Snapshot in order to create an ID color map using Photoshop. The color map will be needed to determine different parts congruent to the different materials available in Quixel.

After Importing the .obj file into ZBrush it needs to be Divided and given extra details.

Using brushes and adding Noise to the Surface of the High Poly will give the model better visually detailed quality. For adding multiple types of Noises to the model I have divided the object in separate pieces using SubTools, thus obtaining leather surface on the black parts and wooden surface to the beige piece. 
 With the High Resolution Model complete, the next step is to export the model as separate .obj files and it will also be used for baking the normal map that will be used in Quixel.

In order to bake the Normal Map and the Occlusion Map I have added the High Poly and the Low Poly .obj files into xNormals and then simply click Generate Maps.

Normal Map

Occlusion Map

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