Wednesday 6 April 2016

Bust Model using the new Fiber Mesh tool in ZBrush

Here's the final boss of our group project game: The Legend of Bard.
As seen above the face of the game boss has been modeled using the various brushes that were at disposal via Zbrush, also given the fact that the boss needed a mature and strong feel regarding character it has been a good chance to use the Fiber Mesh tool. On the left side is the high poly model and on the right side there is the low poly version which will be used in the game for the fact that it goes with the low poly style/minimalistic look imposed by our game visuals.

Here are the reference images that show how the character looks like and who he represents in norse mythology ( Ymir the ice giant )
Below you can see the concept I have created that shows the scale and look of the final boss.

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