Wednesday 17 February 2016

Cloak Idea Progress for the Character Concept

Throughout this sketch I have created a method through which my character can make his unique item change shape. Depicted through effects such as dark shadowy smoke and floating matter.
Regarding reference or better description of the way the magical cloak works I have compared the effect with the death animation of a dragon from The Elder Scrolls : Skyrim; the floating skin is the floating matters, textile material of the cloak, but instead of fire effect as seen in the image below, the cloak  shall use black smoke.

Another good example of shape shifting cloak/cape would be Spawn:
The only difference between all these examples is that the visuals are similar but the sound impact of the effects don't apply to the stealthiness of the cloak of the character. (The Wanderer)

It can also be used by the character as a camouflage device in any type of environment such as the cloaking device of the alien from the Predator:

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